Case Study - Utility reporting automation

Advancing utility mapping

Ugentum cover photo
Ugentum optimizedutilities AI hero image


New Gradient improved accessibility to utility information by automating the analysis and generation of utility asset reports and enhancing the accuracy of utility load forecasting. In collaboration with Petrie Buchanan, we developed Ugentum, an automated utility search platform that significantly reduces the time and cost of producing comprehensive utility asset reports.

Automating record retrieval

The construction industry faces significant challenges in accessing comprehensive utility information. Utility records are typically dispersed across numerous suppliers, making the process of collating and analyzing this data for existing asset reports both time-consuming and labor-intensive. This often results in expensive or lengthy wait periods for obtaining comprehensive utility reports. Consequently, construction companies sometimes proceed without these crucial reports, potentially leading to severe consequences due to inadvertent damage to existing utility infrastructure.

AI smart map feature extraction image

To address this challenge, we developed Ugentum, an innovative automated utility search platform, in partnership with Petrie Buchanan. This system leverages a combination of advanced computer vision techniques to analyze utility records from all relevant suppliers, efficiently identifying existing utility assets within the vicinity of a construction site.

Our solution goes beyond mere data collection. We implemented Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to construct coherent and comprehensive reports from the gathered information. These reports are then returned to the customer, providing them with a clear and detailed overview of the utility landscape in their area of interest.

Ugentum AI generated report

The automation introduced by Ugentum significantly reduces the time and cost associated with producing utility asset reports. By streamlining the process of data collection, analysis, and report generation, we've made it feasible for construction companies to obtain crucial utility information quickly and cost-effectively.

New Gradient's development of Ugentum demonstrates the ability of our AI developers to identify and apply advanced AI technologies to solve complex industry challenges. By automating the utility search and reporting process, we've not only improved the accessibility of critical information but also potentially enhanced safety in the construction industry. This solution showcases our expertise in combining various AI techniques - from computer vision to NLP - to create practical, industry-specific tools.